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Archive : 23

France 2013 – Day 15 Thursday 18th July – to the Pas de Calais and beyond…..

320 or more miles to go today to our site in the Nord Pas de Calais, near St. Omer. A long drive but we’re OK with them – got a good routine going . And I have to say that the French motorways and Routes Nationale are much better than ours – although you do pay through the nose for them. The Aires are well-designed and well signposted. More than can be said for the M25!

We were covering much the same ground again (route)- although this time via Tours, then Le Mans, Alencon, Rouen, through the Somme, then Abbeville, St Omer and thence to our destination in Buysscheures – Camping La Chaumiere. A very compact and pretty site (bijou?) run by Guy and Bernadette. The site is much used by the Brits as Bernadette works for the local vet and can arrange pre-crossing check-ups for your dog. Great set-up. And of course we originally planned to take Archie, but had a late change of heart (heat/restrictions/long days in the car, so on). Too late to rearrange the crossing and all the sites, but it has actually all worked very well and I have been relieved that all the sites I researched and picked have been very much to our taste. No clubs/enforced jollity/stupid rules/horrible people!

It was a long journey and we arrived at about 1800. We quickly got set up and then down to the bar for a beer or two, followed by dinner at the restaurant. It was probably the best meal we had in France this year. We were both very impressed. We told Madame so and she gave me a big kiss and was very excited. Bless!

We noticed that they had a couple of Bouviers de Flandres and then saw lots of photos and rosettes and it appears that Monsieur is a breeder and has the French champion. We couldn’t wait to tell Jacquie and Rob as Rob has a Bouviers. The French couple were very impressed and said that it was rare to hear that someone in the UK had one – although he had, himself, sold one to someone in Wales.

Our pitch at La Chaumiere – very private, We liked!
A Bouviers de Flandres - lovely boy. A "leaner"
A Bouviers de Flandres – lovely boy. A “leaner”

It was only after dinner that we found out that they did not accept cards – cash only! Hmm. Quick dash to St Omer, then, to get some – got back just before the 2200 curfew on the gate. Quick coffee and then bed. We has plans!

France 2013 – Day 16 Friday 19th July – Beautiful Bruges……

Yes – we were off to Bruges for the day! Excited again. You’d think we would have had enough of travelling, but no. Short trip though, as Bruges is only just over an hour away and we had both always had a yen to visit.

We noticed that the town names in this part of France are quite un-French – Lederzeele, Steenvoorde, Hazebrouck and also that the architecture was more like ours but with a French twist.

I had found out that you could park at the station in Bruges for 3.5 Euros for the whole day and that fee entitled you to a free bus pass all day, too. Bargain!

We loved Bruges. Expected it to be like Amsterdam and it was – but more beautiful. So pretty. We eventually stumbled across a boat trip (who knew?!) and could not resist. It was fab.

Where we left from
Yes. I’m handsome. Get over it.

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We were hungry after the trip and found a great location in the main square for lunch, where we had the obligatory moules et frites (and survived!). Good people watching spot too. A little gift shopping and then it was home. We both had a teeny snooze when we got back. The heat is very enervating – and we’re getting on. After our snooze a quick pop to the bar for free (and easy) WiFi, coffee and farewells. Game of boules too (yeah I won!) and a nice chat with a couple from Ypres with an Airedale. And then off to bed. Very little to pack up as we knew our stay was short. Last night. 🙁

France 2013 – Day 17 Sat 20th July – Homeward bound (I wish I wasn’t)

Boo! Thrice boo. Time to go home. Luckily, the site is only 40 mins from Calais so we had plenty of time before our crossing at 1520. We had to be off site by midday so we lazed around and then had a last minute panic! Left as midday struck on the village church. Perfect timing.

We had originally planned to stay in Kent overnight but had decided to make a run for home – particularly if we could get an earlier crossing. Which we did. We crossed on the 1350 instead of the 1520. Just time for a quick flick round the Duty Free and it was time to board.

We spotted lots of  shiny Aston Martins in the queue – all on the Aston Martin Rally to London. The rally celebrates 100 years of the Aston Martin marque. Sadly one of them is not quite as shiny as it was, as a result of collision in the boarding queue. Oops! We heard a cry of anguish and a bang and there it was.

The drive from the tunnel to home took a couple of hours and we arrived home to a very excited dog and slightly less excited son at around 4.30.  It was over. Some 2,000 miles and god knows how much in diesel. We’ll worry about that later. Au revoirs.