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Archive : Thrupp

Oxford Canal with the Smiths 7-9 October

Another day on the Oxford Canal, another stay at Bladon Chains, near Woodstock. This must make it one of our most visited sites, I think?

We had the usual Friday evening crawl up the A34, with plenty of traffic at the usual pinch-points. We had expected our friends Martin & Rachel Smith, who live in North London, to be there before us but we arrived first. We managed to nab a couple of adjacent pitches at this always busy site,  got set up and waited for them to arrive. They came over to us for dinner and we had a pleasant evening catching up on what’s been going on in each other’s busy lives. We went to bed at a reasonable hour, though, as we had an early start the next day.

Saturday was fine but overcast and as were were waiting to go we had fun watching a squirrel busily stocking up with acorns for the winter. He was totally oblivious to us and – even though we tried to point him out to Archie – he was totally oblivious to the squirrel. Soon it was time for the off and we all bundled into the car with our picnic, ready for the short trip to Thrupp.

Our pitch
Archie ready for the off

As we were frequent hirers, the handover at the boatyard was swift  and we soon had the kettle on for the first of many cuppas. It’s almost uncanny how, on the canal, the drinks are always freshly made just as you come round the corner to see a lock or a swing bridge, so that when you get back your cuppa is cold. Now that’s fine with me as I can come back to a cuppa, quite happily, after several hours have elapsed but does not please others.

We went safely through the first lock and then it was Martin’s turn to have a go at steering and then Rachel’s. Both took to it like – ahem –  a duck to water. I attribute that to excellent tuition.

Approaching Shipton Weir Lock
Cap’n Smith
Rachel – multi-tasking
Instructing the new crew

We pottered on until lunch time, with Archie keeping on eye out and making sure we were doing everything properly.

Lunch stop was – as usual – the old quarry just outside Kirtlington. We had already winded (turned) the boat and so after lunch we began the return leg. By this time Martin and Rachel were well into the swing of things. Shaping up to be a good crew!


We saw several kingfishers but never managed to get a good shot. And then it was all too soon, time to hand the boat back. Another lovely day on the canal. The route we took seems very short, but it’s probably a total of 6 hours cruising, at a leisurely pace.


After we had handed over the boat, it was back to the site for a quick snooze and a wash and brush-up before dinner. We were booked at the Boat Inn at Thrupp, where we had a very pleasant meal, with plenty of lively conversation. The fresh air had taken its toll, though, and we soon went back for a quiet night, drifting off to the sound of owls hooting. Lovely.

As luck would have it, Sunday dawned bright and beautiful. Typical!  We had a coffee together while Martin and Paul struggled with stowing Martin’s satellite dish, which eventually complied. And then it was time for us to go. The Smiths were staying on for another couple of nights, a luxury denied us “not fully retired” types. But we got home in good time to unpack and relax before the start of another busy week.

Sunlight through the trees
Basking Border

I’ll leave you with this picture. Can you see what it is yet?




Bladon Chains – Aug 14-16

Well I think this visit makes Bladon Chains our most visited campsite. The first time we visited, back in August 2009. it was just an overnight stop on the way back from “oop North”. The remainder of our visits (3) we have stayed because of its adjacency to Thrupp and the Oxford Canal. This trip was no exception. We were meeting our dear friends Bob & Barb Shorter, as we have done as least once a year since we met them on a Camping and Caravan Club guided RV tour of the Canadian Rockies. The trip, which inspired us to go on our American odyssey in May/June of this year,  was back in May 2012.

This year, we decided on a trip on the Oxford Canal as we knew they had much enjoyed our trip on the River Wey last year. Both being retired, they arrived before us and saved us a space next to them at the familiar and very pleasant site – useful for a visit to Blenheim Palace. We had left late afternoon and made surprisingly good time – even though traffic on the A34 was pretty bad. As soon as we arrived Barb had the kettle on and we had a nice cuppa before setting up the van. There was plenty to catch up on – even though they had come to watch Paul abseil down the Spinnaker Tower a few weeks earlier. It was also the first time they had seen our new van so we gave them the “five bob tour”- as my Dad would have called it.

It was my turn to produce the main course and it was soon heating up to a golden sizzle in the oven. We had Tartiflette with a green salad and ciabatta. It went down very well and – after a break – we then tackled dessert. Barb was responsible for this course, and we had an amazing selection of puds to choose from – plus cheese for those who could manage it! We talked and whiled away the evening in an atmosphere of conviviality until bedtime was indicated by loud yawns (mainly from us as we don’t ever seem to get to bed early enough).

It was up early to pack the picnic, which I had prepared the day before, and breakfast and showers and then we were off to Thrupp to pick up our boat for the day.  We went via Woodstock, where I picked up some fresh bread from the handy Co-op, while Paul gave Bob and Barb a whistle-stop tour of the very cute little town. The week leading up to our trip had been a bit dodgy weather-wise,  so we were relived to find that we had a lovely sunny day. We boarded and were briefed and were soon off, with the kettle on the boil for the first of many cups of coffee. We shortly encountered our first lift bridge, swiftly followed by the unusual diamond shape lock, which ushers the River Cherwell into the canal. Bob was at the helm. He had taken to steering like a duck to water on our previous trip – a real natural and he was to spend most of the day at the helm. His choice I hasten to add! He and Paul chatted at the stern while Barb and I set the world straight in the pointy end.

About to go under the lift bridge
About to go under the lift bridge
Entering a lock
Entering a lock
Arch showing Barb the ropes
Arch showing Barb the ropes
Bob's precision steering
Bob’s precision steering

As we had done this trip several times before, we knew the route and – more importantly – the location of the turn round and lunch spot. Bob expertly winded the boat and we moored at the old quarry near Kirtlington  for our lunch. The home-made quiches and salad went down well and we were soon full. A quick look at the old quarry and we were off on the return leg. We made our way back in a leisurely manner as we had plenty of time to arrive back without incurring a fine (about which we had been most sternly warned before we left!).

One lock before the boatyard,  we stopped for a lovely cuppa and a cream tea. Very hungry-making, this boating lark! Here are a few images from our return journey.

Beautiful sunflower
Beautiful sunflower
Hungry (greedy?) family.
Hungry (greedy?) family.
Polite and flower sign
Polite and flowery sign
(So far) Unidentified Bird of Prey.
(So far) Unidentified Bird of Prey.

We returned the boat and made our way home via the rather lovely Combe Mill – a Victorian steam and water driven sawmill, owned by the Blenheim estate. We were investigating it as it was it was going to be “in steam” the next day,  but it was further away than we had anticipated and thus not an option for B&B to visit by bike, sadly.

I had booked a table at a local pub for our evening meal but (a) we were not hungry enough to do a meal justice and (b) we had loads of left-over food to use up, so we cancelled.  We went our separate ways for a while on our return and we both had a beepy (or snooze) to refresh us. We spent the evening Chez Shorter, in their lovely vintage Hymer van. We ate more,  drank more, chatted more and then it was bed and a lovely peaceful night.

The Shorters were staying an extra couple of days to explore the area, the lucky devils, but we had to be back for Paul to work on Monday. We shared a last cup of coffee and then bid them a fond farewell, agreeing that we would meet for our usual pre Christmas meal. So – another lovely weekend and only another couple of weeks and we’ll be off to Norfolk for the Bank Holiday weekend. Can’t wait! We love our van 🙂



Oxford Canal trip – Autobots on tour! Aug 9-11

We are avid quizzers and meet most Tuesdays at our local, The Seagull, where we enter the weekly quiz. The quiz is free to enter and the winner’s prize is £40. The team (The Autobots – named by Jacquie’s son Harry at one of our early quizzes)   have had a pretty successful year and have saved our winnings. Initially we had a vague idea of going for a curry on the proceeds but as they mounted it was suggested that we should do something more adventurous and we hit upon the plan of hiring a canal boat for the day with a luxury picnic from M&S! The core of the team is four, with others joining as and when to make up the max of 6. Not everyone could make it and in the end there were 7 of us. (Us, Anne and Gray and their daughter Holly and Jacquie and Rob).

We drove up to Woodstock on the Friday evening and stayed at the Bladon Chains CC site, where we had been once before a few years ago. It is in the parkland on the edge of the grounds of the beautiful Blenheim Palace

Up early the next morning and excitement was high. We drove the short trip to Thrupp where we were picking up our boat from the Oxfordshire Narrowboats base there. Being “local” we were first to arrive.

Jacquie and Rob were next to arrive, closely followed by Anne, Gray and Holly with the picnic. It was clear that we would not starve! We had our briefing and were off! On the kids party boat! Funny!

Party Boat


The kettle was soon on and we had breakfast continental style (pastries) and headed off towards Aynho. At our first lock (an unusual diamond shape) we encountered a stag night party on 2 boats. Much banter ensued!

The Groom with Jacquie and Holly
The Groom with Jacquie and Holly
All this for a tea-bag. Mmmm
All this for a tea-bag. Mmmm

I thin k it’s fair to say that they were the most disorganised bunch ever and the operation took ages but we had a good laugh with them before we made our way through the lock.

Discussing the lock
Discussing the lock

The pretty River Cherwell meanders in and out of the canal on this stretch and you are rarely far from it. We passed the Rock of Gibraltar pub (thus legitimately enabling us to claim we had been to Gib on this trip). No sign of any Sapnish fishermen , fortunately!


Our turn round point and lunch spot was the disused quarry at Shipton on Cherwell and we feasted royally – even though we also had afternoon tea planned!

Here are a few more images of the day:

Or the twins as we like to call them!
Or the twins as we like to call them!
It's a love thing!
It’s a love thing!
Busy dog
Busy dog
Approaching the diamond lock on the return leg
Approaching the diamond lock on the return leg
A lift bridge
A lift bridge
A lock
A lock
Rob - putting his back into it!
Rob – putting his back into it!
Our gallant skipper

We arrived back at our start point with an hour to spare, so set off in the opposite driection, towards Oxford. We had afternoon tea on this leg. With scones and clotted cream………..

Afternoon Tea

As we turned (known as winding) the boat we saw this sign which afforded us much amusement:

Isn't it ironic?
Isn’t it ironic?

All to soon it was time to hand over and go home. Another lovely day on the canal. I want a boat!

No evening meal was required that night and we had noticed that the Mikron Theatre Company were at The Jolly Boatman and decided to go and see them perform. They are a touring company, using the narrowboat, Tyseley, as a base. Envious much! We had seen them many years ago, when the then unknown Mark (Suits you sir!) Williams – now more popularly known for being Ron Weasley’s dad –  was a member of the team (1983-85).

It was packed at the pub and we struggled to park. We managed to find seats by moving a bench and shared that with a few others.  This years show is called Beyond the veil and has a bee-keeping theme. Such a talented bunch (Acting, singing and playing instruments) and a jolly good evening.

Beyond the Veil
Beyond the Veil

We returned to the site and tumbled into bed tired but very happy.  We followed the usual Sunday morning “routine” of boiled eggs and a leisurely read and then packed up for the journey home, looking forward to our next trip, the following weekend with our niece and nephew.  As we were leaving the site, I got a call from the boatyard to say that a BW key for the electric lift-bridge was missing. A mad flurry of texts followed and, as suspected,  Rob was the culprit. We agreed to post them back and all was well! Phew. Roll on next weekend.