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Archive : 08

Salisbury et environs – Nov 2nd to 4th 2012

In an attempt to get away from the incessant noise of fireworks which bedevil us and more particularly our dog at this time of the year, we decided a weekend away some where rural might be the best bet. We plumped for Coombe Caravan Park at the racecourse, just outside Salisbury. A look at the satellite view on Google map showed it to be relatively far away from habitation and this impression proved quite correct.  We arrived around 5.30 – thus dark – after an appalling journey, which took around an hour more than it should, thanks to Friday traffic. There were only a three or four other units there and we picked a pitch well away from them, with great views of the countryside.

The Racecourse itself
The Racecourse themed site – with views
Mr Munsch – pitched up

The campsite seems to have a bit of a racecourse theme to it, which is quite attractive  It has all the things you’d expect of a good campsite, with a clean and warm shower block, plentiful water and waste points and a small shop (summer only) .  It is open all year round and dog-friendly. It was very quiet overnight, with no noises to frighten us or the dog!

Saturday dawned bright but chilly and we decided on a visit to Salisbury town for a spot of light retail therapy and coffee. There is a thriving market and all the usual shops – highlights of this trip being Hotel Chocolat and Paperchase.  As is customary,  we went and bought some lunch at the local Waitrose and drove to Old Sarum where we ate our lunch and then went for a walk round the site. Great public toilet! Totally unexpected and very warm and welcome.

King of all he surveys
View through a wall
View of the Salisbury C&CC site from Old Sarum
The walls – Old Sarum
Doing it in stile

Home for a cuppa and a snooze followed by dinner and an evening watching the usual Saturday night fare. Another peaceful evening – very bright, cold and frosty. Perfect for fireworks! Luckily,  once again,  we were hardly bothered by them and had a happy dog.


The owner had said that there was no hurry to leave as it was so quiet so we had a lazy morning, reading and relaxing, before packing up for the short journey home.

Sadly this will be our last weekend away for a while. We won’t be able to go away for our usual “wrapping” weekend, where we pitch up somewhere nice, take all our presents and wrap them, accompanied by the obligatory Baileys. We will miss it. But sadly (or gladly actually) Paul has a back operation to face. Back in the New Year!