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France 2013 – Days 13/14 Tues 16th/Weds 17th – Amboise, Montrichard et environs – and coypu

France 2013 – Days 13/14 Tues 16th/Weds 17th – Amboise, Montrichard et environs – and coypu

Tuesday is an exploring day. We set for a quick squizz at Chenonceau (not being in the mood for traipsing round a chateau in this heat) but it’s impossible by road. SO we pressed on towards Montrichard which we liked very much and it had donjon very similar to Portchester Castle – if you screw your eyes up a bit.

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Next stop was Amboise and its Chateau.  We stopped here for lunch in a creperie and had a tres bon repas! They had a terrace which sprayed a very (almost like steam but obviously cold)  fine mist of water on you as you ate, very welcome indeed!

View of Amboise round tower from the restarant
View of Amboise round tower from the restarant
A better view
A better view
Amboise from across the river
Another view of Amboise from across the river

Note that it is a bit cloudy – cooler? No sir. It was like the clouds were a lid on the pie in which you were living! They really seemed to reinforce the heat.

Back at the camp-site, later,  we got chatting to an elderly UK camper (very nice chap) and the subject of the frogs cropped up. He had been to talking to an angler who frequented the site regularly who had assured him that the noise was not in fact frogs, but coypu. Yes – that’s right – COYPU! Whilst there are – according to my research – coypu in the area I believe he is wrong . Its deffo frogs. Kept expecting to see Rupert along with the air balloons.  Bye-ee-ah! Which leads me to this next rash of photos – this time pretty low.

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Wednesday we spent doing SFA! Kept fantasising about going for a dip in the pool but just couldn’t muster up the NRJ (our least favourite French radio station!) to do it. We had a LOVELY day. The laziness continued, as we pottered off to Montrichard again for our evening meal. And very nice it was, marred only by a table of six very loud Americans talking mainly BS and culminating in the mother and her very spoilt 20-something son having a blazing row and Ma storming off  – and I don’t blame her. He was vile to her. All a bit awkward and I felt embarrassed both by and for them.

We returned to a nightcap at the bar and a quick whizz of WiFi – God I miss 3G! We hung around so long there we were packing up in the gloaming! Off on the penultimate leg of our journey tomorrow. Back oop North.

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